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Wolf spider against a white background - Keep spiders away from your home with General Pest Control in Middleburg Heights

Wolf Spider

Actual Size: 1 ½”

Characteristics: Typically brown, gray, or tan, with darker markings or stripes.

Legs: 8

Habitat: Actively hunt in the open at all hours, preferring leaf litter and grassy habitats. Indoors, they can be found around doors and windows, as well as inside closets, basements, and garages.


  • Unlike most other spiders, they do not construct webs to catch their prey. 
  • Active and fast-moving, they hunt insects on the ground during both day and night.
  • Females carry their young on their backs until they mature.
  • Possess eight eyes arranged in three rows, providing them with excellent night vision.

Wolf Spiders in Cleveland

Wolf spiders can cause significant concern when found in homes. Their excellent vision helps them detect and flee from approaching humans. Many of these spiders are nocturnal and use a reflective structure to enhance their night vision. Shining a flashlight at ground level can reveal their green eye shine from 10-30 feet away, depending on their size. While wolf spiders are rarely pests, their large size often alarms homeowners when they wander indoors.

Wolf Spider Habitat

Wolf spiders are known for their active hunting. They patrol the ground for insects, small spiders, and similar prey without using webs. They hunt openly both day and night and frequently live in large numbers in leaf litter and grassy areas. Some wolf spiders construct small burrows and protect their territory, whereas others roam freely. Their significant numbers and predatory nature make them essential to ecosystems. Females often carry their young on their backs until they can venture out on their own.

Wolf Spider Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Wolf spiders, despite their intimidating appearance, pose minimal threats and dangers to humans. Their bites are generally not harmful, resulting in mild symptoms such as pain, itching, or swelling. Children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems may have adverse reactions to their bites. Their presence can be alarming, particularly due to their large size and tendency to wander indoors in search of prey.

If you are dealing with wolf spiders in your Cleveland property, contact your local spider exterminators.